INNOVATION: Art of Ceramics
OCTOBER 30 - NOVEMBER 28, 2021
Opening Reception, Saturday, October 30, 2-5 PM
Glazed Jar Form with Lyrical Lip, 2016
Stoneware, 16”H x 17”W
Jar Form, 1980
Wood Fire Stoneware, 13’ H x 13 1/2”W **SOLD**
Large Wood Fire Jar Form with Lyrical Lip, 2000
17”H x 19 1/2” W
Cog Form with Swirl, 2009
22”H x 28 1/2”W
Green Cog Form with Facets, 2009
23”H x 181/2”W
Faceted Cog Form, 2009
23’H x 29 1/4”W
Turbulence, 2016
Glazed Stoneware, 42” x 42”
Current, 2018
Glazed Stoneware, 42” x 42”
Confluence, 2003
Glazed Stoneware, 32” H x 48” W x 41”
Vase From, 1987
Wood Fire, 17 1/2” H x 8”W
Large Long Neck Form, 1997
Wood Fire Stoneware, 24 1/2” H x 12 1/2” W **SOLD**
Three Parts From, 1990
Wood Fire Stoneware, 13 1/2” H x 13 1/2” W
Five Pipes, 1983-1989
Wood Fired Extruded and Altered Clay Forms